Friday, May 7, 2010

Kind Words

The person who decided to bring "Daddy Very Long Legs Takes a Trip" and "Espider No Can Bite" into her home was kind enough to leave these notes in the "message to seller" box:

(For "Daddy Very Long Legs Takes a Trip")

Hello! My name is (omitted for privacy) and I am SO IN LOVE with this painting!! I didn't even hesitate. Right into the cart and purchased. I even have the perfect spot in my dining room for him.

I have a special place in my heart for spiders because the first role I ever played on stage was Charlotte in Charlotte's web. I am a professional actress in our local area, so I am quite appreciative I discovered acting through that role. Hence, the lifelong spider appreciation! Plus, they eat the bad bugs.

I was searching for spider artwork when I found your painting. It just spoke to me because he reminds me of my husband! He is so adorable and I just want to be at the bus stop to pick him up and give him a good home. So that is what I am doing. Daddy Very Long Legs is going to live at my place.

Thank you again so much! I cannot wait to see him in person!

(and for "Espider No Can Bite")

Ok I can't help it! I want this one, too! Tell your husband thanks for being so afraid of spiders that it inspired you to create such an adorable one! This one will go on my wall in the kitchen above the sink. Consider me a big fan now!!

First, before I get yelled at, Jake isn't really *afraid* of spiders. He just doesn't like them. At all. I am the official spider-getter in our house... and I say "getter" because I catch them and take them outside. Even (no, *especially*) the big hairy ones.

Anyway, these notes really made my day because it is easy to get attached to artwork that you have made and it is *so* much easier to give it up when you know that it is going to a person who became enamored with it before he or she even saw it in person.

Also, this sort of interaction is part of what makes buying (and selling) handmade so great. She can tell me why she loves the paintings, knowing that I will actually care... that it *matters* to me. You could go to Target and buy a print, but gushing to the person at the register about how much you love it and where you plan to put it would just be weird... and I guarantee that they wouldn't care.

If you ever buy something through Etsy (and I highly recommend that you do because, regardless of your style, you *will* find a truckload of things to love), consider leaving a friendly message to the seller at check-out. You just might make someone's day... twice!  (Once because you liked something they made enough to buy it and then again for showing that you truly appreciate handmade work.)

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